Monday, February 21, 2011

Leaked OS for the BlackBerry Curve 3G 9300

This is the leaked version of OS for the BlackBerry Curve 3G 9300. This is similar to the leaked version we've posted before for the Bold 9780.

Note : This is a leaked version , so download with your own risk

Download Leaked OS for the BlackBerry Curve 3G 9300

Until Then
Hugs n Kung Fu

Leaked OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9780

This is the leaked version of OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9780. This is similar to the leaked version we've posted before for the Bold 9700.

Note : This is a leaked version , so download with your own risk.

Download Leaked OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9780

Until Then
Hugs n Punches

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Leaked: Twitter for BlackBerry v1.1.0.13

This is the leaked version for Twitter for BlackBerry v1.1.0.13 . There's a few improvements that i can highlight.

1. New Homescreen Icon- As you can see in the picture above, the icon has been changed from the boring "t" to the original Twitter Bird itself.

2. Improved User Interface for your DM/Inbox. - You can now track back your sent messsages

3. Adding TREND Topics is much easier e.g #ListeningTo / #ThatSexy etc..
- You can just press # on the "New Tweet" space , then it will automatically shows any trending topic that you have been included before. ( As you can see at the Picture below ) . So it will be a lot easier for you to include your fav trending topics each time posting your Tweets.

As for me, Twitter For BlackBerry are improving to compete with other third party application. The greatest improvement in this latest leaked version of course the "trending Topics". For me #ThatSexy :) hehe