Friday, January 8, 2010

ENVY is one of the DEADLY SIN

Right after 5 pm i went to my car and i found a piece of paper with a black-eye-liner so-called-ink notes on my car. The notes sound something like this " U shud say TQ cz i didn't scratch this car". OH MY EMILIO VALENTINO!! i was laughing and kept thinking thT.. am i too hot in this orgaNIzation until I've got an ENVY NOTES sticked on my car?? hah! it's just another story of my life in the FAB lane.

hahah actually the real story was , just now in the office , i have problem connecting to the internet via both Digi and Celcom broadband. so my friend Zaza ( bukan nama sebenar) suggested of restarting my laptop in a hope that i will get connected. so i did try with a condition which was , if it doesnt work I'LL SCRATCH ur car!! hahahahahahhahaha..... and she replied u scratch once i'll give u 10~ hahaha.. and i said " EAT ME! " hahahha, and it turns out that it's x working.. she said " we'll see whose car get scratch 1st!" because she went home 45 minutes before the actual TIME .. haish!

so , that is how i got the ENVY NOTE! hahahha
till then XXXXXX


zaza G said...

this was supposed to be dirty little secret! geez. sepa zaza btw? napa sma nama kami? ;p

AbzZoNe said...

hahahha ko tanya sapa zaza?/ but y u said " this was supposed 2 b dirty little secret?" hahahahahha.. ntah la.. ZAZA tu ,mmg bukan nama sebenar

kyrea said...

ko ne kin saspens...wakakaka

zaza G said...

Lets c how much responds this will get on fb. Lol. btw, SEPA SURU PARK RIGHT BEHIND MY CAR!

AbzZoNe said...

yuq : ahhahahahah kin suspens kans?? hahahhaha... fab lane ba

AbzZoNe said...

zaG : hahah kalau ko cek.. byk suda respon.. and kalau ko cek tracking number of visit p blok aku pun increasing... hohoho

zaza G said...

Glad I give a story worth millions. And where s my 'Tq' ? Geez